Arbitration Dispute
Arbitration Dispute
Talekar and Associates has a sizeable filing of applications for appointment of Arbitrator, challenge to awards or conduct of Arbitration proceedings before retired Judges. The senior members of the Firm even take up the responsibility of acting as Arbitrators in commercial cases.
The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, especially after the recent amendment in 2016 is a detailed legislation for serving speedy justice in commercial/corporate matters to ensure that the legal system aides in economic development and time-consuming costly disputes do not bite into the bottom line of businesses. In the last decade matters referred to Arbitration have seen a 200% rise in the High Court. Most of these matters pertain to insurance, construction/engineering, shipping, commercial and corporate disputes.
Expertise in conducting Arbitration proceedings with significant time spent on developing strategies for the entire proceeding tying in with the aims of the clients is unique to Talekar and Associates.
T&A has come up as an industry leader in Arbitration disputes owing to its cutting edge research and object-aided interpretation of the statute.